Alejandra Cuadra's Vessels of Belonging  Opening Reception

What does it mean to belong within our bodies, souls, communities, and the valleys of earth? Vessels of Belonging creates space for reflection and connection around questions like these.

Join us for this exclusive opportunity to meet and connect with The Eliot School of Fine & Applied Arts 2024 Artist in Residence, Alejandra Cuadra, and Artist in Residence Interns, Olive Allen, Jacob De Palm, Aaliyah Levy, Carlos Serret, and Neela Willeke. The artists will present their curatorial and artistic perspectives on the show and residency. Slow down to feast your eyes, ears, and soul, and learn about the process behind the project. 


This exhibition is the culmination of a collaboration between the Eliot School of Fine & Applied Arts 2024 Artist in Residence, Alejandra Cuadra and Artist in Residence Interns, Olive Allen, Jacob De Palm, Aaliyah Levy, Carlos Serret, and Neela Willeke, who came together to reflect and create work around questions of belonging, history, and memory. Together with community participants at workshops in partnership with Mudflat Studio, Sociedad Latina, and the Codman Square Branch of the Boston Public Library, they created and decorated small house-like structures called Casitas, which are inspired by Mexican ofrendas (altars) and Peruvian retablos (devotional paintings). The artists covered their Casita with thoughts and imagery that express a collective sense of belonging, and ultimately, open the door to their individual worlds and hearts. 

The Eliot School Artist in Residence and Teen Bridge Programs are funded in part by Mass Council’s YouthReach program, BPS Arts Expansion Fund at EdVestors, and City of Boston Office of Youth Employment & Opportunity SuccessLink Employment Program; with general support from the Barr Klarman Massachusetts Arts Initiative; Mass Cultural Council’s Cultural Investment Portfolio; and the Linde Family Foundation.

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Last day to buy tickets

Monday, September 2, 2024

23:59, EDT Sales ended