Regular Entry - includes 2 whiskey tastings and appetizers
$40 ($40 tax-deductible) per ticket
VIP Entry - 2x whiskey tasting, appetizers, swag, 1x drink ticket
$60 ($60 tax-deductible) per ticket
Regular entry - NO whiskey tasting, appetizers provided
$20 ($20 tax-deductible) per ticket
Title Sponsor - 2x VIP Tickets, Opening remarks spot, Social media sponsor post, Ability to set up table at the event, Newsletter mention, Marketing materials in swag bags, Logo on any print media
$500 ($350 tax-deductible) per ticket
Event Sponsor - 1x VIP Ticket, Newsletter mention, Marketing materials in swag bags, Logo on any print media
$250 ($175 tax-deductible) per ticket
50/50 Raffle Ticket
$10 ($0 tax-deductible) per ticket
Additional Donation
Payment is unavailable for unpublished events