July Walking Tours

Look into the past of Gov­er­nors Island and learn about its excit­ing trans­for­ma­tion and future. In these walk­ing tours led by Gov­er­nors Island volunteer guides, you’ll explore the Island's historic district and new 43-acre park. Tours exam­ine how his­toric preser­va­tion, inno­v­a­tive design, and envi­ron­men­tal stew­ard­ship make the Island what it is today: one of the most unique pub­lic places in New York City.

Important Information:

  • All walk­ing tours begin at the Gov­er­nors Island Wel­come Cen­ter at Sois­sons Land­ing at the listed time and end at Outlook Hill. Tours are approximately 1-1.5 hours long. 
  • The tour route is approximately 1 mile on paved, wheelchair accessible paths. Comfortable walking shoes are recommended. 
  • Tours are free, though donations are greatly appreciated. Donations support the Friends of Governors Island, an independent nonprofit that works to ensure the Island's continued growth and accessibility as a vibrant public resource. 
  • Tours are weather-dependent; registered guests will receive notification of changes to the tour schedule. 

Walking tours are limited to 20 people. Please register to confirm your spot, as walkups will only be accepted if space allows. Private tours for company outings and small groups are available by donation. Please email [email protected] to schedule a private tour.

Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions or concerns.

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Mon, Jul 22, 2024

23:59, GMT-05:00 Ticket sales have ended

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