LRG - The Perimenopause and Beyond

We would like to extend a warm invitation to our Let's Run Girls community to attend this evening talk about the menopause and perimenopause hosted by Dr Eimear Byrne, an NHS GP of 20+ years with a specialist interest in women's health. Eimear will soon be qualified as a Menopause Specialist with the British Menopause Society and she is also one of our fantastic volunteer Run Leaders, supporting the Chesterton group.

There will be free refreshments available and plenty of opportunity to mingle and share experiences over a cup of tea. Eimear will give a presentation as the main part of the evening and there will be plenty of opportunity to ask general questions although individual management advice cannot be given.

The presentation will cover:

  • The terminology and definitions used in this area of female healthcare
  • Hormones involved and what happens to cause the perimenopause and menopause
  • Symptoms of the perimenopause and menopause
  • What options are available to help symptoms and improve health in the longer term (HRT and non-HRT options) and the impact of lifestyle and exercise
  • Explanation of the background to the changes in HRT prescribing and knowledge over the past 24 years
  • Contraception considerations for this time of life
  • Weblinks to reliable sources of information for further reading

Date & Time: 

Tuesday 7th May, 7.30 - 9.30pm - (The presentation will start at 8pm)


Room 1, Meadows Community Centre, 299 Arbury Road, Cambridge, CB4 2JL


Free cycle parking is available at the venue, there is a car park and an hourly charge for parking. Please consider car sharing where possible. Find out more about the venue.


Tickets are free, optional donations to Let's Run Girls can be made during the booking process and would be very much appreciated.

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