LRG ClubCycle Fundraising Takeover

Let's Run Girls is thrilled to be partnering with ClubCycle Cambridge for a special takeover class on Saturday 18th May as a social and fundraising event.

We welcome ladies from across our group locations to come and join in the spinning fun and stick around for a coffee and social afterwards.

10.30 - 11.30am, Saturday 18th May 2024

The spinning class itself will last about 45 minutes


Join us for a LRG special group spinning class led by instructor Heather, the owner of ClubCycle Cambridge and a runner herself. If you've never tried spinning before, this is a perfect opportunity! Heather will explain how to set up your bike at the start of the class and make sure everyone is comfortable in a non-competitive, supportive environment.

Spinning is a wonderful complimentary exercise to running, working vastly the same muscle groups but without the impact so a great form of cross training. We'll have a fun workout to music and you'll get a lovely post-class endorphin glow!


We welcome ladies from across all of our LRG group locations to come and join us. There are limited spaces so book early to avoid missing out.

NB - Minimum age to attend is 18


ClubCycle Cambridge, Unit 2, Copley Hill Business Park, CB22 3GN

Followed by post-workout coffee (and cake!) at Docky Barn Cafe across the road

How much?

That's up to you! This is a fundraising event to raise money for Let's Run Girls and help us work towards our mission to inspire women to lead healthier, happier and more connected lives. We suggest a minimum donation of £10 but of course, if you would like to give more, we would be very grateful! (Select a free ticket, then you will be asked if you want to make an additional donation later in the booking stage.)

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Only 7 left

Single Ticket

£0 per ticket

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We don't have that many tickets left. Please select 7 or less.

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Would you like to make a separate donation?

Donations are a great way to support the organization. They’re also tax-deductible!

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Single Ticket

£0 (£0 tax-deductible) per ticket


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