The Jewish Road Passover Seder - 2024 Waiting List

Event Information
About event

This is the official waiting list for the Passover Seder in Wilmore, KY for Saturday, April 27. 

Please register for the number of seats you desire, and if we have any cancellations, we will contact those who have registered on the waiting list first. 

If you have any specific questions, contact [email protected]

If we can make room, we will send you a link to purchase tickets at $40 each and will need you to respond within 24 hours before we offer it to those who are next on the list.

ticket details

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your information



Waiting List Tickets

$0 per ticket

Tickets warning icon

We don't have that many tickets left. Please select Infinity or less.

Contact Information



Would you like to make a separate donation?

Donations are a great way to support the organization. They’re also tax-deductible!

Donation Interval

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Waiting List Tickets

$0 ($0 tax-deductible) per ticket


Additional Donation
