2024 EEFA Softball Tournament

Sponsor Registration is open now!

Team Registration opens Wednesday, July 17th, 2024

Team Registration: $800 per team

All sponsors register their teams early during Sponsor Registration

Grand Slam Title Sponsor (1 available): $3,500

Team Registration included with sponsorship

Home Run Field Sponsor (4 available): $2,000 

Team Registration included with sponsorship 

RBI Sponsor: $500 

$200 discount on Team Registration

See below for details on sponsorship levels.

ticket details

additional information

your information



Only 2 left

Home Run Sponsor

$2,000 per ticket

Tickets warning icon

We don't have that many tickets left. Please select 2 or less.

Sold out

Grand Slam Sponsor

$3,500 per ticket

Tickets warning icon

We don't have that many tickets left. Please select 0 or less.

Only 5 left

RBI Sponsor

$500 per ticket

Tickets warning icon

We don't have that many tickets left. Please select 5 or less.

Only 4 left

Discounted Team Registration for RBI Sponsors

$600 per ticket

Tickets warning icon

We don't have that many tickets left. Please select 4 or less.

Only 3 left

Team Registration

$800 per ticket

Tickets warning icon

We don't have that many tickets left. Please select 3 or less.

Contact Information



Would you like to make a separate donation?

Donations are a great way to support the organization. They’re also tax-deductible!

Donation Interval

Enter Donation Amount


Home Run Sponsor

$2,000 ($0 tax-deductible) per ticket

Grand Slam Sponsor

$3,500 ($0 tax-deductible) per ticket

RBI Sponsor

$500 ($0 tax-deductible) per ticket

Discounted Team Registration for RBI Sponsors

$600 ($0 tax-deductible) per ticket

Team Registration

$800 ($0 tax-deductible) per ticket


Additional Donation
