Black History Bike Ride

Rosa Parks Birthday Social Ride

Join us on Sunday, February 4th to honor the contributions of Black Women in Austin, as a part of Black History Month. 

Our Rosa Parks Birthday Ride will begin at Moody Amphitheater in Waterloo Park at 11 AM. On this ride through the city, we’ll make stops at local landmarks that celebrate the legacy of Rosa Parks and the many other courageous Black Women who shaped American history. We'll share stories and lift up unsung sheroes from Austin's past and present - all on Rosa Park's actual birthday!

Since it's February, make sure to dress warmly and prepare for possible cold weather. Dependent on the weather you may want to bring layers, gloves, hats, and lights just to be safe.

Make sure to RSVP Here at Donorbox! 

Can't make it but want to show support? Consider making a donation to Black History Bike Ride's efforts to commemorate overlooked history. We are still fundraising for our documentary. 

Want to volunteer as a ride marshal or get your business involved as a sponsor?

Tap the link in our bio, or hit up our DMs! 

We look forward to pedaling through the past with you!

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