Sunday, April 28, 2024
23:59, UTC Sales ended
SAVE22 has recently partnered with Corey Taylor of Stone Sour, Slipknot & CMFT, joining forces with other organizations within The Taylor Foundation, to generate awareness to those who are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, which may ultimately lead to suicide.
"During my career, I’ve been privileged to have many veterans and people in emergency service support me, telling me how much my music has helped them with everything they’ve had to endure- from combat to stress on the job to the inevitable repercussions that come from PTSD. Now, it’s my turn to give back as much as I can to them."
- Corey Taylor
As a part of this partnership, we are raffling off a one of a kind custom guitar, built by Eric Mangle of Mangled Custom Guitars and signed by Corey Taylor himself.
Drawing for this beautiful work of art will take place live via our Facebook and TikTok, on May 4th, 2024, during our annual suicide awareness hike.
100% of the proceeds go directly to our programs, which offer veterans, first responders and their families a chance to participate in any of our activities, whether it be fishing, golf, nature activities, or our ever popular motorsports (imagine, being on the starting line of the truck races or in the pit at NHRA?).
Sunday, April 28, 2024
23:59, UTC Sales ended