3rd annual Shelby County Pride Festival hosted by Shelby County Pride! 12-5PM at the Shelbyville Conference & Welcome Center.
Pride Festival Rules and Policies
By purchasing a ticket to Shelby County Pride Festival 2023 and/or entering the festival venue, you signify your agreement with the following Code of Conduct:
1. No pets allowed unless they are a service animal.
2. No weapons will be allowed, this is a Gun-Free zone.
3. The purpose of this event is to celebrate the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender and others (LGBTQ+) community and your participation at this event will support and promote the acceptance and validation of the LGBTQ+ community in Shelby County and more broadly. In so doing, you also acknowledge that you in no way will try to undermine the purpose of the event, or in any other way actively take a stance against the LGBTQ+ community. Anyone violating this will be removed from the Festival grounds.
4. No distribution of unauthorized printed material is allowed.
5. This Festival is a family-friendly event and appropriate behavior is expected.
6. No Street Vendors are allowed on the premises. If you want to participate in sales/demos, we have booths available for purchase.
7. No smoking or vaping allowed except for in designated smoking area.
8. No drugs (including marijuana) or alcohol are permitted on the Festival Grounds.
9. No protests will be allowed within the Festival Grounds or Parking areas. Violators will be removed by security personnel.
10. Shelby County Pride and all associated board members and volunteers will not be responsible for any lost belongings or injuries incurred while attending the festival.
Violation of any aspects of the above Code of Conduct will result in removal from the Festival Grounds. Shelby County Pride reserves the right to determine what constitutes violations of these rules.