Spring Binational Young Adult Gathering - March 18, 2023

Come learn about service, justice and faith on the U.S./Mexico borderlands with other young adults from the U.S. and Mexico on March 18 from 10 AM to 4 PM. Tucson Borderlands Young Adult Volunteers is a program that is dedicated to building binational relationships for young adults to work for a more just, equitable and relational borderlands community. Participants from the U.S. side will meet at the Carl's Junior in Douglas, AZ at 10 AM, you can park at 105 5th St, Douglas, AZ and we will then walk together into Agua Prieta. All participants will need a valid passport to cross into Mexico.  

The day will begin with a healing our borders vigil with our Mexican sisters and brothers at the border wall before crossing into Agua Prieta, Sonora. From there we will learn about the work of the Migrant Resource Center. Afterwards, we will travel to the migrant shelter Centro de Atención al Migrante Exodus (C.A.M.E.) where we will have lunch, learn about C.A.M.E's work, meet new friends and hear from faith leaders about the call of Christ and the spirituality of service in places of division and social injustice. We will end at 4 PM, and young adults from Tucson can expect to be back at 7 PM.

This gathering is open to all participants from high schoolers, college students and working young adults. The registration cost is on a sliding-scale to ensure all young adults can participate based on their financial needs, and includes lunch and transportation around Agua Prieta. Participants will need to arrange and pay for their own transportation from Tucson or Phoenix with the help of local churches.  All participants who  are 18 and under will need to have their parents sign a permission slip to participate in this event and be accompanied with a youth leader.  If you have more questions, you can email James Martin at [email protected].

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Monday, March 13, 2023

23:59, MST Sales ended

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