Springdale Benevolent Foundation
Rodeo of the Ozarks Pageant Luncheon & Style Show
Our 1st Annual Rodeo of the Ozarks Pageant Luncheon & Style show will feature the twelve contestants vying for the titles 2022 Miss Rodeo of the Ozarks and 2022 Jr. Miss Rodeo of the Ozarks! Contestants will model a western dress and give their speech. This semi-formal event will be emceed by rodeo announcer, Jeff Lee, and include the farewell speech by outgoing 2021 Miss Rodeo of the Ozarks, Alexis Arnold. The event will include an Italian lunch option of lasagna or alfredo served with garlic bread and salad.
Date: Friday, June 24
Time: 12:00 PM
Location: Rodeo of the Ozarks Community Building at Parsons Stadium