Evelyn Dieckhaus Shining Light Fund






Evelyn Dieckhaus was our smart, fun, and creative 9 year old who passed from this world on March 27, 2023.  Evelyn loved her family more than anything but she also loved her school, arts & crafts, animals, and helping those with special needs.

The Evelyn Dieckhaus Shining Light Fund is a charitable fund set up by our family to shine a light on the causes that were closest to Evelyn's heart.  Please consider joining us in supporting many wonderful causes on her behalf.


Mike, Katy, and Eleanor Dieckhaus


Funds raised will be held in a donor-advised account within Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund, an organization exempt from tax under IRC 501(c)(3), until they are distributed to the appropriate charitable causes.  

The Evelyn Dieckhaus Shining Light Fund is a donor advised fund held at Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.

Donor Wall294

Greg & Karen Stevenson | $100

Inez | $208.54

Our hearts are breaking for the Dieckhaus family. Thoughts and prayers with all of you. Inez and Bill

Donald Long | $100

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Dieckhaus Family during this difficult time.


Richard Carlson

Thx to Miss Ann for letting us know.

Lauren (Bayuk) Flores

Sending prayers and love to your family. May Evelyn’s light continue shining bright.

Tim Wolf | $104.42

Katy, sincerest condolences from my family to yours. We didn't have the pleasure of meeting Evelyn but she sounds like a very remarkable person. Hope this funds continues to help you all share her light and memory with the world. Best wishes to you, Tim and Angie Wolf

KERRIN Black | $100

Words cannot convey how sorry I am for your loss. Keeping Evelyn and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

Cindy Owens | $26.34


Our heart is breaking for your family. I've never seen a more loving tribute than that written about her in the Tennessean. Signed, Jenna & Michael A. (friends of Jeff & Amanda Dieckhaus)


Diane Baker | $26.34

Ernie Bravo | $26.34

Alyse | $26.34

May Evelyn continue to be your shining light! And I hope she is smiling down watching all the good things come to the causes she loved. She will always be remembered in everyone’s hearts. Thoughts and prayers to your family! Love Alyse and Sparrow

ron penn | $100

our thoughts and prayers are with the family. Janieca and Ron

Stephanie & Bill Keane | $104.42

Maria Leo | $25

Chad, Lute & Lisa Cain | $156.48

Julian | $34.98

1st thessalonians 4:16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. May God's angels comfort you until you see your beloved daughter again in the New Kingdom of God!!!💚💚💚

Jenny & Austin Flajser

The MO Gamma Chapter of Pi Beta Phi | $100

In the wine and silver blue, the MO Gamma Chapter of Pi Beta Phi sends our love, support, and deepest condolences to the Dieckhaus family. Your family is in our constant thoughts and prayers and sweet Evelyn's memory will forever be in our hearts. Pi Phi Love, the sisters of MO Gamma

elyssa sanders

Although we don't know your family, please know that Evelyn's smile and spirit is touching our lives and we want to send strength and love to your family.

Joe & Angela Judd

Jessica Fleischer | $72

I am sorry for your loss. Sending love and strength to all of you.

Christy Bleckman | $104.42

So sorry for your loss. Prayers to heal and strength to live each day.

Brian ONeal | $100

Mary Martini | $100

All our love to your family

Poats Family | $250

Alvin Siwak | $260.59

Dear Dieckhaus family we share your sadness and embrace all of you with our love. Nancy and Al Siwak

Charlotte Zalenski | $25