Estill and Mildred Phipps Henry ​Memorial Fund

This endowment was established through a testamentary gift from Mrs. Henry to provide income for the Raleigh Co. Humane Society. 

This is a secure transaction processed via Donorbox and Swipe. Beckley Area Foundation is a 501-c-3 non-profit community charity as recognized by the Internal Revenue Service, and all donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. In accordance with federal IRS regulations we acknowledge that BAF has provided no goods or services in consideration of this gift. In addition, you have not received any direct benefit from this contribution and BAF has exclusive legal control over the assets contributed. Confirmed in Compliance with National Standards Beckley Area Foundation is a member of the National Council on Foundations, WV Grantmakers, Beckley-Raleigh County Chamber of Commerce and WV Leave A Legacy. The Beckley Area Foundation annual audit, 990 and 990-T (if filed) are available for review in the BAF office. "WV residents may obtain a summary of the registration and financial documents from the Secretary of State, State Capitol, Charleston, WV 25305. Registration does not imply endorsement."