Support ESTIEM

ESTIEM's Mission is to "connect and support the growth and sustainability of European associations of IEM students, to foster relations and develop their IEM students, personally and  professionally."

In order to fulfil this mission, thousands of hours are spent each year by hundreds of volunteers all across Europe. ESTIEMers working in local groups and on the central level take time out from their studies, their families and all other parts of their lives to help contributing to this goal.

Here, you have the chance to help support them financially with a donation, whether small or large.


What is the money being used for?

The funds donated here will go to reimburse the travel costs of the board and other ESTIEMers who have spent money to help fulfil the network's mission.

Is the donation tax-deductible?

Yes. ESTIEM is a recognised Non-Profit NGO. As such, donations to ESTIEM can generally be deducted from taxes if an invoice is provided. If you wish to receive an invoice, please write that in the comment to the image

Click the checkbox to leave a comment

How is the spending being monitored?

The usage of the funds received through donations will specifically be reported on during the financial report at the Council Meeting.

Has ESTIEM given up on other ways of fundraising?

No. ESTIEM's Corporate Relations Committee, with full support of the board, continues to work on establishing and upholding partnerships with both companies and universities.

I want to donate, but I don't want to pay the Fee for the donation. What can I do?

You can do a simple bank transfer to ESTIEM's Account:

Beneficiary: ESTIEM

Bank: ABN Amro

IBAN: NL32 ABNA 0508 1603 83