Katie Donoviel
Fundraising on behalf of English Skills Learning Center
Fundraising on behalf of English Skills Learning Center
When I came across the English Skills Learning Center (ESLC) via a Google search, I immediately knew I needed to get involved with the organization in some shape or form. This type of community-based learning is what I dreamed of being involved in. At that time, I never would have imagined that six years later I would be serving as the organization's Executive Director, and the ESLC would earn a permanent place in my heart.
Bringing together an average of 800 adult language learners and 120 community volunteers annually, the ESLC strives to integrate and strengthen communities by breaking language and cultural barriers. Classes are completely free for students and in accessible locations across Salt Lake County.
Something you won't see in our business documents or our mission statement is how behind everything the ESLC does, we consider how we can help people live with dignity. We see people as PEOPLE first and foremost, which includes our staff, board, volunteers, and program participants. We are in the business of celebrating people.
I set a goal of raising $3,400 during the month of September because the ESLC is celebrating its 34th anniversary. Celebrate with me by helping me reach this goal!
Donor Wall1
Bruce | $105.75