ESLC 34th Anniversary Campaign






Teaching in adult English language and literacy classes has been one of the greatest privileges I've had in my life. Through my work, I've been able to meet incredible people who embody reslience, dedication to a goal, and kindness. I have met single parents who are working hard to gain skills they need to improve their employment prospects, grandmothers who attend community English classes to be better able to communicate with their grandchildren, and young people who are the first in their family to have the opportunity to attend school. There is hope, gratitude, and grit that reminds me of the strength of the human spirit each day. 


September is Adult Education and Family Literacy Month. As the ESLC's Community Engagement Director, this is something I believe. I would love for you to be part of our success in supporting this cause, so I am inviting YOU to join me in offering free and accessible adult education classes. Help integrate and strengthen communities by donating today! 

For 34 years, the ESLC has been providing free literacy and civics tutoring and small group classes across Salt Lake County. With our focus on two-way mutual integration, our classes are about much more than learning English. We aim to break language and cultural barriers in order to create a community where ALL voices are celebrated.

P.S. Our team is having a friendly competition (with incentives) to see who can raise the most money between September 1st-September 30th.

The English Skills Learning Center is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 87-0467902. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.