Ve cómo tus seguidores recaudarán fondos fácilmente para ti

Peer-to-Peer empodera a tus seguidores a recaudar donaciones para ti motivándolos a iniciar sus propias e increíbles campañas de recaudación de fondos efectivamente.

Free to startPeer to Peer fundraising

¿Cómo? Nos encanta que preguntes...

Tu parte

Iniciarás una campaña, invitando a tus seguidores a crear páginas de donación para compartir tu misión y recaudar dinero para tu causa.

Su parte

Los seguidores crearán páginas de donación divertidas y personalizadas, compartiéndolas con amigos, familiares y compañeros de trabajo.

Nuestra parte

En Donorbox no solo te ofrecemos alojar el sitio web gratis, sino que te ayudaremos a orientar tus campañas al éxito con emails, cursos prácticos y plantillas listas para usar.

La sobrecarga de trabajo de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro para generar más ingresos

¿Te sientes demasiado estresado en cuanto a los recursos de recaudación de fondos?

Peer-to-peer te da el poder de tercerizar un monto significativo de tus ingresos anuales.
Con un poco de trabajo y nuestra guía útil, podrás convertir a tus seguidores en recaudadores de fondos.

Expande tu red de donantes

Confiar solamente en las personas que puedes contactar significa perder donaciones

Peer-to-peer te permite llegar a más personas, al ampliar tu red a los amigos, familiares y compañeros de trabajo de tus seguidores.

Expande tu red de donantes

Permite que tus seguidores respondan por ti

Convencer a los donantes para que te confíen su dinero es un desafío para la recaudación de fondos.

Peer-to-peer evita que tu organización tenga que persuadir a cada donante al permitir que tus seguidores respondan por ti.

Permite que tus seguidores respondan por ti

Crear una experiencia grata para todos

Involucrar a los donantes hoy significa garantizar que sientan una conexión personal con tu misión.

Peer-to-peer permite que tus seguidores personalicen sus campañas incluyendo fotos, historias, termómetros de metas y lo mejor de todo compartiendo por qué tu causa es importante para ellos.

Crear una experiencia grata para todos

Uniendo seguidores para elevar el impacto

Observa como Maya’s Hope usa Peer-to-Peer para impulsar su misión

Precios Increíbles

  • Sin tarifas de instalación
  • Sin tarifas mensuales
  • Sin contratos

Tarifa de Plataforma Donorbox

Campaña Principal
Campañas de los seguidores

Tarifa Procesador de Pagos* (Organizaciones sin fines de lucro registradas en U.S.A & Canada**)

2.2% + 30¢Tarifa procesamiento de tarjeta de crédito
Vía Transferencia bancaria
0.8% ($5 máximo)Tarifa transferencia bancaria ACH
1.99% + 49¢Tarifa procesamiento de pago

*Las tarifas de procesamiento de pagos son cobradas por terceros para entregar los fondos de los formularios de donación en tu cuenta bancaria. Más información

**Las organizaciones registradas reciben un descuento en la tarifa de procesamiento de pago al usar Stripe y/o PayPal. Conecta uno o ambos para ofrecer a los donantes más opciones de pago.

Recursos prácticos para el éxito de Peer-to-Peer




Frequently Asked Questions

How does peer-to-peer fundraising work?

Have you noticed that you’re more likely to buy an item if a friend or family member recommends it? That is precisely how peer-to-peer fundraising works!

Nonprofits set up fundraising campaigns - typically for specific programs and projects - and then encourage supporters to create their fundraising page connected to this campaign. These peer-to-peer fundraisers then share their pages with their networks, spreading awareness and bringing in new donors.

Donorbox makes this easy with customizable donation pages for nonprofits and donors. Donors can easily create their own fundraising pages, share how they’ve been impacted by the organization, and include pictures of them at a fundraising event or volunteer activity. After hearing about their friend or family member’s involvement with your nonprofit, people will be more likely to visit your website, learn about your cause and programs, and give!

Why is Donorbox an effective peer-to-peer fundraising platform?

Donorbox stands out from competitors with an innovative peer-to-peer fundraising platform for all. The company provides free webpage hosting for organizations and individuals without a website and step-by-step onboarding instructions to ensure success.

With no set-up fees, monthly fees, or contracts, Donorbox’s peer-to-peer fundraising platform is affordable and accessible while still offering powerful tools that help you raise more for your mission. In only a few simple steps, your nonprofit can create a campaign to share with supporters.

How do my supporters sign up to fundraise on my behalf?

Donorbox makes it easy for donors and volunteers to set up their own campaign page and fundraise on your behalf. After creating your organization’s campaign, click on the “Invite Fundraisers” button, and you’ll be taken to your fundraisers list. Choose the supporters you think best fit this role and invite them with a simple click of the button.

Your donors will receive an email invitation with a link to create their own campaign fundraising page. They can choose a fundraising goal and add pictures and stories about why they support your cause and campaign. Now, they’re ready to share their page via email and social media and watch the donations come in!

You also have the option to allow anyone to sign up to fundraise for your organization by adding an “I want to fundraise for this” button to your campaign. Your nonprofit still has the option to review and approve any fundraisers who wish to join your ranks!

How can I encourage supporters to fundraise on my behalf?

Before you start, it’s best to personally reach out to a handful of supporters you think would be good at this type of campaign. After that, you can invite all of your donors and volunteers to become fundraisers with an email and link to set up their own campaign page. Make it easy for these individuals to set up a fundraising page with training, onboarding, and fundraising templates.

Entice more participation with fundraising games and competitions that offer prizes to the fundraiser that raises the most and collects the most donations!

Once your campaign begins, track your success and make sure you send regular updates on how the campaign is doing, who is winning any competitions, and any changes or newsworthy information on your programs.

Don’t forget to thank your fundraisers and donors when the campaign ends. Let them know how much they helped raise and how that will impact the cause and your organization!

La plataforma de recaudación de fondos que prefieren más de 100.000 organizaciones en 96 países

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