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Donate to Nexus Care's EOFY Appeal

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You can log in to edit your recurring gift any time

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By using Apple Pay, you will provide your name, e-mail and address.
By using Google Pay, you will provide your name, e-mail and address.
CVC CodeThe 3-4 digits on the back of your credit card

You can log in to edit your recurring gift any time

100% of your donation goes to the public benevolent institution Nexus Care Inc (a Deductible Gift Recipient with the ABN 68 621 211 486)

Our major giving appeal is on now and your support is more vital than ever. Let's raise $300K this EOFY!

Nexus Care is a local Brisbane Charity on the frontline of providing healthy food relief and more to Brisbane households in hardship. We want Brissie households who need support to find it with dignity and ease.  

Our mission will always remain; to generously give hope and dignity amid immense hardship, encouraging and empowering locals to FIND A FRESH START. 

Donations are vital and enable Nexus Care to:

  • Help 2400 locals find a fresh start through the support of our programs over the next 12 months
  • Continue providing upwards of 327,000 nutritious meals annually
  • Increase program infrastructure and facilities to sustainably meet the expected growth
  • Consolidate and develop our initiatives at Closeburn Country Garden, our social enterprise (ad)venture
  • Optimising opportunities for Career Coaching Services to expand, to truly get people back on their own two feet
  • Build on our existing quality support programs and services to continue reaching those experiencing hardship throughout greater North Brisbane and beyond.
  • Sustainable development of our second hub at Sandgate, implementing and developing our services tailored to further benefit the area. 
  • Explore growth opportunities in our established Everton Park locations. 

Your donation makes this possible and ensures that our high-quality programs can remain on offer. From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU.