EMS Sargodha Girl's School Classroom Addition

EMS Sargodha Girl's School 

Classroom Addition

More and more families have been enrolling their girls! 
There is not enough classroom space at EMS Sargodha Girls’ School. 
PEB renovated the crumbling 100+ year old dormitory 
to provide some temporary classes for older girls, 
and the younger girls have joined the overflowing classrooms 
at EMS Boys’ School. We will provide a block of 4 new classrooms 
with all furnishings for the girls at EMS Sargodha Girls’ School. 


*All donations through Friends of PEB, Inc., a 501(c)(3) organization are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. View our full disclosure statement at www.friendsofpeb.org/disclosure or call 320.493.6243.