Open the Public Mind.

Get a Real 9/11 Investigation!

Support RichardGage911

Perhaps you can’t “speak out” about 9/11 as well or as much as you’d like to. 

But I can! And I’m here to do it for you!


I know you care deeply about justice for the 9/11 family members, 

and the millions of additional victims

and of course ultimate accountability for the perpetrators

But...this won’t happen until we….


Wake up the people to 9/11 Truth.
We must have YOUR help to make that happen


Gail and I have given everything to this mission. 

We are ALL IN!

Won't you join us?

 In fact, join the RichardGage911 Inner Circle, and our monthly conference call, by giving $300 one time, or $50/month - ALSO we'll send to you the best 3 DVDs weve ever made:

We are putting our faith in Divine Providence and the good people in the 9/11 Truth Movement

And remember… “This is our home - not theirs! HERE is where we take our stand!” 

Thank you for empowering us to place our awesome arsenal of 9/11 Truth up-front in this epic battle

We salute you,

Richard & Gail

on the front lines

P.S. If you'd like to write a check instead of the other options available, please make check out to "Richard Gage, AIA" and mail to:

Richard Gaga, AIA

217 Cedar St., #328

Sandpoint, ID 83864

P.S.S. Your donation is a gift - with no exchange of goods or services. Thank you!


Richard Gage, AIA, Architect is a limited liability company. Donations are NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE. If you would like a tax deductible donation for supporting our film project “9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom“ please make your donation at the "9/11: CrimeScene to Courtroom" film project website Your donation is a gift - with no exchange of goods or services. Thank you!

Donor Wall29

Leo | $31.67

Mostafa | $57.57

Bring the world back to order by bringing the corrupt government to own up to killing millions by this inside job

Barry Kissin | $100

I applaud Richard’s analyses of the parallels between 9-11 with the October 7 attack in Israel as well as with the origin of COVID-19. Very important work! Of course, allying with Curt Weldon in the coming year is potentially groundbreaking. But for this to be realized, Curt must become aware of what 9-11 Truth stands for. In his podcast, Curt is still talking about al Qaeda terrorists being responsible, and that his goal is to subject Federal agencies to “embarrassment” for their mistakes that caused so much harm to fire fighters and other first responders. As Richard and Gail know, the fundamental purpose of 9-11 Truth is not to prove how the World Trade Center towers collapsed. The purpose is to expose that 9-11 was the work of the American war machine (with assistance from the not so “deep’ states of Israel and Saudi Arabia). Urgently, Mr. Weldon and everyone else must become aware that our entrenched rapacious war machine operates with no regard for human life including American lives.

Mitch Gurney | $104.42

Don | $25

My prayers for the New Year are for the safety and health you & your wife and that the country will learn the truth that you are teaching so that true healing and peace can begin .

John Kominek | $624.99

Buying 12 monthly tickets to Inner Circle meetings of 2025. I hope they are still available for purchase. I want to get some before the crowd rushes the door and your run out!

Norbert David | $307.85

Anonymous | $52.37

God Bless you both for staying in this fight! Hopefully this is Truth year! The public desperately nneds to know!

JAMES WARREN | $104.42

Anonymous | $10.90

Judith Gomoll

Donald Grbac | $104.39

Richard, thank you for your non-stop dedication to this project of truth over the years. You're the best!

Anonymous | $520.87

Thank you both, we'll always help when we can. America needs this truth told if we ever want to heal this nation.

Phillip Rojas | $10.72

I believe in what you are doing. In humility I offer my support.

Daniel Geery | $10.72

Thomas | $10.72

John Kesich | $50

Long past time for the truth to come out and the perpetrators to be held accountable.

Steven | $10.72

We know the dancing Israeli's are key. So is the Lavon affair when they attacked our liberty ship. Our Savior warned us about those who are anti-Christ so we shouldn't be surprised.

Richard Wallace | $104.42/M

Historically, we have never been so close to redressing traitorous crimes committed against America.


Both Richard and Gail are devoted and organized about their efforts while still being the most delightful and available human beings. Beautiful and devoted to a cause that really shows others how the cookie has crumbled in the past and continues to do so to this day. Hooray for them.

Damien | $78.40

If they won't tell us the truth, we'll hold them accountable.

Richard Kennedy | $104.39

Hello Richard, been with you here in Michigan on many occasions, including the premier of the Anatomy of a Great Deception by David Hooper--I have copies available "Global Master Edition" Richard A. (Dick) Kennedy --Michigan




Sherry Morez | $21.13

Thank you for all what you're doing to enlighten the world to the truth of 911

Myles Flaig | $312.16

Donald Heitkamp | $25

Robert Freeman | $52.37

Mark Olander | $20

I became very painfully aware that the 9/11/2001 attacks did not happen the way we were all told on February 3rd of 2013 because I had researched the Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre and discovered it was a hoax. This led me to very quickly switch to researching the 2001 attacks. So within two hours I my world view changed dramatically. I was angry at myself mostly for being such a sucker for over half a century. Thank you Richard Gage, David Chandler, Neils Harrit, and so many others who have contributed their time and expertise. Mark Olander