Emergency Fund

Starting on 10 February 2024, the military junta in Burma activated the national conscription law, forcing young men between the ages of 18 and 35, and young women between the ages of 18 and 27 to be drafted into the military for 2-5 years. This is the latest blow to the population already under severe repression and challenges brought on by the junta's coup 3 years ago. Young people especially resisted the regime's authority by turning their backs on the repressive, autocratic public education system and relinquishing their education opportunities and futures. Now, they are facing the terrifying prospect of being called into the military that they had sacrificed so much to resist, to be used as foot soldiers and human shields against resistance forces. 

As the mandate to draft 5,000 young people after the Burmese New Year in April looms, in reality, there have been widespread cases of random kidnapping and extortion by the local authorities under the regime all over the country since the law was activated. The situation is highly dangerous and demoralizing for our students and staff, who are struggling to keep themselves and their loved ones safe and preparing their best to avoid the detrimental outcomes under the conscription law. 

We stand ready to support our community in any way feasible. This involves preparing to provide support in case of forceful detention and kidnapping, helping with relocation to safe places for the affected students and staff, keeping our learning hubs safe, and responding to other emergent threats. We are dedicating an emergency fund to keep our community safe under this overwhelming threat, and we implore you to support the community in any way you can. Thank you for your kindness and consideration. 

Here are some news sources to delve more deeply into the issue:




