Since 2010 we have curated over 65 live storytelling events, recorded about 600 stories, and collected and funneled around $16,000 (donated in increments of $5 from each of you!) back into our community...and we've done it all without paying ourselves anything. We do what we do because we care about storytelling and the positive change it affects within our community, presumably the same reason you like coming to SY events!
Meanwhile, life ain't free, and as much as we love that we've gotten this far solely on volunteer power, we also value what it means to sustainably reinvest in ourselves as part of our community... so we can keep doing more Secretly Y'all, that is.
If you've come to listen at live events, told a story, wanted to hear the audio recordings (check out the website, a bunch are up there right now!), had a local charity that you care about donated to; if you've heard a story that made you laugh, made you cry, opened your mind, made you groan, provided insight, initiated an important conversation, made you feel more connected...please consider supporting us.
We've listed some random donation amounts, but you can enter your own custom amount - we appreciate whatever you are comfortable giving so that we can keep SY keeping on. There are options for one time donations as well as reoccurring (monthly, yearly, etc). Thanks y'all!