Dear friend of The TreeSpirit Project,
Thank you for offering your financial support. This directly allows me to continue and expand TreeSpirit’s advocacy, education and activism for trees, forests, plants, and wild animals, including for the Tule elk of Point Reyes. They are all part of our one, interconnected, living planet.
Since 2004, TreeSpirit has been a labor of love. But in today’s challenging times — especially due to our human-created (anthropogenic) climate crisis, I feel more compelled than ever to devote all of my time, and my 20 years of experience, to advocating full-time on these issues, speaking up, organizing, building community — and taking action beyond just digital and social media posts (which of course are necessary too).
I hope you, too, are inspired, and motivated by love for all the precious life on Earth we still have, in addition to the dread and despair of losing so much more of it in the next 20 years.
We have the science and the information, but we need more action to stir societal change, especially breaking our addictions to fossil fuels, ending deforestation both domestic and global and — on a more individual and immediate level — to reduce/stop eating animals. These 3 elements are the primary, interconnected, drivers of the climate crisis.
Jack Gescheidt, Founder