Tough Talk is a labour of love.
We get it, everyone is asking for money nowadays. So, why is Tough Talk worth donating to?
We aren't a big organization, and so every dollar that is donated to us goes straight into effective content and resources that are free for the community to use. We don't have organizational baggage. We don't have to pay for HR meetings, big fancy offices, huge staffing teams, etc.
Consider donating $5 to Tough Talk. We're proud that this project is community funded and we are all a part of this movement. Thank you immensely for your support!
Whether you can afford to donate or not, we appreciate you all for being a part of this movement.
Without you, and the work you are doing in your own communities, we wouldn't be able to co-create the world we all want to live in.
With love,
Sam & Kristina