On March 2, 2020 Cornerstone opened a Substance Abuse Treatment Center that is help those trapped in addiction in Tehachapi Valley. Receiving help for addiction is often costly and finding quality care and counseling is out of reach for many with substance abuse issues, but with your help we can make it available to those who need it.
Tehachapi rests in a beautiful mountain pass, but its county, Kern, ranks near the top in the state and the country for the number of drug related deaths: a number which is on the rise. According to 23 ABC News, Kern County not only deals with the national opioid epidemic, but has a greater struggle with a Methamphetamine epidemic.
Your donation will:
- Provide scholarships for those in need of Substance Abuse Treatment
Thank you for taking the time to consider joining our mission to better our community by providing mental health and addiction services.
As a thank you donors will receive a Quarterly Newsletter containing:
- Progress updates
- Client Testimonials
- First looks at blogs and articles written by staff
- A tax deduction for donations
For those wishing donate using a check:
Please make checks out to: Cornerstone Center
Mail to:
Cornerstone Center
1121 W Valley Blvd
STE I #225
Tehachapi CA 93561