1. Ariang Network of Schools: Through this program, we reach over 2,000 primary school students (in three schools) with school supplies, shoes, and uniforms. We help the schools with internal management and organization to ensure a smooth running of operations and long-term stability. We also supply these schools with, sports equipment, teaching, and learning resources, including equipping their libraries with books and other educational materials.
2. Teacher Training Program: This program reaches over 50 teachers in three primary schools. This program started in 2018 where we sponsored 9 students to attend a rigorous teacher training program in Kenya. Since then, we have been strengthening teachers' abilities to deliver high-quality instructions in class. Due to this program, our teachers have become so effective in teaching and the results have reflected twice at the national exams. In 2018 and 2019, our school claimed top positions in the county.
3. Scholars Empowerment Program (SEP): We are currently supporting 15 students to complete high school through this program. We pay their school fees, buy them boarding equipment, and support girls with MHM kits to enable them to stay in school at all times.
SEP has a sub-program called Bany Akolda (BA) which trains SEP scholars on leadership, 21st-century skills, and provides career guidance to the students. Bany Akolda workshop seminars happen during school breaks. We help our students with revision, engage them in book reading and discussions, and help them apply the skills in their lives.
4. Women Empowerment Program (WEP): This program reaches out to women and girls and supports them to acquire and implement entrepreneurial skills. For girls, we help them to create a safe space where they can discuss their issues and look for solutions without being stigmatized.