Donor Wall
Your station is a blessing to me. It lifts me up every time I listen.
I listen to you when I'm out going to or from Uni. God bless your radio station.
Kathy Thompkins
Pastor Anton, you are such a blessing to my life; I have been listening to you since 2018 as a hospital chaplain. You have blessed blessed me as I drive to the hospital and I listen to your prayers and songs and they always bless me so I can bless others. I love you and your ministry and pray that God continue to "blow your mind" with His goodness and mercy and favor in your life.
Tameeshah Cival
4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, sadness, crying, or pain. All the old ways are gone.” (‭‭‭Revelation‬ ‭21‬‬:‭4‬ ‭ERV‬‬)
Alice Laukkanen
Shabbat Shalom Pastor Anton and 1st Lady Cheryl. Hopefully I will find your station on my wifi radio that I keep on side table and bing with me on business & persona travel. Always great to hear new worship, praises, spiritual encouragement that comes directly from your airwaves, your careful brilliant staff & all who contribute funds to keep you going. I thank G-d for you all today!! Shalom, Alice.
Carol- Ann
Keep of the great work. I appreciate this worship ministry
Good morning I am very excited to be on this Mission Trip so I am sowing into the work that we will be doing and the souls that will be saved form us just turning up to share the Love of God.
Keep up the Kingdom Works re: this Phenomenal Gospel Station
This station is Always a blessing to me! Minister Steph L
Neyda Segarra
Praise the the Lord for Powerofworship because it has been a blessing to me since I am listening to it. I have not stop listening to it, I met Pastor Anton personally and a sister that came to my house for a blessing to the ministry.
God bless your ministry. God will water our seed.
Ann Marie Prescott
To pastor Anton press on with POW! It will be worth it all when you see Jesus. For my listening brothers and sisters let’s put our hands to the plow not looking back, in financing “The Life Saver”- The Gospel of Jesus!!! It won’t be long we are going home! Let’s reap the harvest of souls that God prepared through POW as we give and prayer. Today is the day, heaven is depending on us! Let’s work while it’s still day. Give so the gospel can reach a dying soul it could very well be one of our friends/family. Sister In Christ Ann Marie P
Thank you for being obedient to God’s voice. I have been blessed by this ministry for years. As a matter of fact, when I was using MySpace many years ago, my playlist was called The Power of Worship! Years after, I came upon this station, listened because of its name, and knew God’s hand was on it. I even posted it on Facebook. Many continued blessings to you and the servants of God on this station. I have and will continue to recommend this station. God bless!!
R Ofosu-Asante
Thanks a lot Pastor Anton and your colleague for such an encouragement today and always. I want to encourage you to never give up on this radio ministry and also the pledge drive. You have no idea what this ministry is doing in the lives of people out there. We stand shoulder to shoulder with you in prayer and in financial support to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ get to all nations. You know I am always a fun of PoW and will always be a part of this ministry, even though I am currently going through some financial turmoil, please remember me in prayers and this is my little token to support the pledge drive. And I know God will bring me through this situation as HE supplies all my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus and more support will be coming to PoW. We thank God for your lives and for this ministry. God bless you....
Abbey Down
Power of Worship is a light in a world that is filled with darkness and despair. Thank you for your prayers and ministry.
Just woke up and heard your request
Kianna Moree
Kianna Moree and Ann Marie ❤️
Marcella Sabine
Your station is always exactly what I need. I listen all hours of the day and night. God shall supply the need of this station.
Sandra Sutton
Lisa Lynch
Pastor Anton thank you for ushering the presence of God all over the world! May the Lord bless and continue favor you! Is my prayer Dr Lisa- Dover Delaware
My family and I stand in agreement with you Pastor Anton that Power of Worship radio will be fully funded in the MIGHTY MIGHTY Name of JESUS. Amen.
i listen to you at work 7pm to 7am shift and most of the night i am playing you in my ear bud, it makes the work night go so much better
Cyprian Joseph
Pastor Anton, Crown Heights Gospel Church stand with you and Power of Worship Radio family for the great work you are doing. Blessings always to all who work to make this Radio Station a success, to God be all the Glory.
Cyprian Joseph
Greetings to Pastor Anton and Power of Worship Radio family for the great impact you are making in our lives. Keep up the good work. In His Service, Pastor Cyprian Joseph