It’s common knowledge that the publishing world has changed. We became a nonprofit in 2016. We have a robust online presence. Direct membership dollars as well as sponsors and grants for our Bee Festival and Clean Air Solutions Fair have been indispensable. And we are mightily grateful for our small but loyal cadre of advertisers, whom we’ve also depended on to continue publishing.
But a huge percentage of our ads are event-based. Most of those contracts for the foreseeable future have been canceled and no new ads are being sold. Bee Fest has been postponed indefinitely. Also, the majority of our distribution locations are closed. We’ve moved exclusively online.
As we work on the May issue, we are struggling to pay our staff and writers. What the future holds beyond May, we cannot say. If you like what we are doing and want CATALYST to continue, please support CATALYST now.
We understand that we are not alone, here on the edge. But in the next six weeks, by end-May, we need to raise a minimum of $10,000 from membership, donations, underwriting and advertising in order to continue publishing. We are grateful to you for your support at whatever level you can afford!