One dollar a day - You can change a life!
Please pledge today $1 a day (Billed monthly)
Would you like to change someone's life?
To be able to give to someone that is less fortunate or worse?
Every month we support hundreds of people with food and basic expense. For only $1 a day you can participate in this wonderful Mitzvah!
At this very moment, thousands of people are struggling to make ends meet. For the last 4 years, we at are a source of light, inspiration, hope and financial assistance.
For the cost of $1 PER DAY - Less than the cost of a coffee cup you can make a huge difference in someone's life!
Please take a moment to remember the less fortunate ones and make sure our brothers and sisters all around the world that depend on our support will be taken care of!
Please open your heart and support these many families that need us. We have the great merit to be able to help and assist many people in need, and with your great help we are able to fulfil our mission every month!