We are raising money to help purchase a storage building to help us organize and better distribute pet food and supplies to our community.
We have a very generous home owner offer us a location on his property to put a storage unit to house the pet food and supplies and GET IT OUT OF OUR HOUSES. He has also offered to put electricity and A/C in the building free of charge and is willing to pay the electricity bill for us every month. This is a wonderful opportunity for the pet food pantry to grow and offer more programs as we grow.
Please consider giving us a hand and donating to this wonderful opportnity we have been offered. The property owner has given us a time frame to get the building on the property, we have until the end of the year to get the building on the property and set up. And as always, All Donations are Tax Deductable to the extent of the law. We appreciate your loyalty and dedication to the pet food pantry. Much Love! #communitysupport#selapfpstoragebuilding
We are a 501C(3) Organization 46-3338949 all donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.