We are thrilled to bring Tamim Academy to West Michigan, but we need your financial support to make this dream a reality. Our mission is to provide an inclusive, high-quality Jewish education that serves the entire Jewish community. By contributing, you will help us establish a school that fosters academic excellence, personal growth, and a deep connection to Jewish values and traditions. Your generosity will ensure that our children have access to an exceptional education that nurtures their potential and prepares them for a bright future. Please join us in building a strong foundation for the next generation of Jewish leaders in West Michigan.

A donor account is created automatically for recurring donations. Account setup info will be emailed to you.
You can log in to edit your recurring donation any time

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Credit/Debit Card
Bank Transfer


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By using Apple Pay, you will provide your name, e-mail and address.
By using Google Pay, you will provide your name, e-mail and address.
CVC CodeThe 3-4 digits on the back of your credit card
Enter the Zip/Postal code for your credit card billing address

Donate from your bank using Plaid, a secure and encrypted bank transfer service.

You can log in to edit your recurring donation any time