Brighten Up Ely! We are ready for the flowers of spring! We hope you are too!
A City’s image is fundamentally important to economic growth. The flower basket and banner program makes a great first impression to visitors, as well as offering businesses, civic groups, and private individuals an opportunity to show pride in their community!
Help us continue this project decorating our street lampposts from Central Ave, up to 7th Ave. on Sheridan Street and Chapman Street, by sponsoring a colorful 20” flower basket, a striking banner, or the entire lamppost!
Flower Baskets are grown and maintained through the season by Ely Flower & Seed.
Incredible Ely is a project-based organization and to accomplish the objectives we work in partnership with other organizations and liaise with the City of Ely, the Chamber of Commerce, the Merchant Board, and other economic development agencies and municipalities.
Join our effort to help create a dynamic, innovative, and distinctive community with a diversified and seasonally balanced economic base.