Donor Wall
Patrick Miller is a trustworthy, rational, and deeply compassionate person. I trust his leadership and his ability to listen. He has an amazing support system and will be a solid contributor to the state legislature.
Amanda Hansen
Thoughtful and serious, but with an excellent sense of humor, Patrick is one of the most even-keeled and intelligent humans I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. He has the broadest range of interests of anyone I know, and is always curious to learn about other people, their interests and perspectives. He perseveres, even when learning a new skill is not easy, as evidenced by his ballroom dancing abilities then (19yo), and now – approximately 25 years later. He makes the effort needed to build and maintain relationships, as evidenced by the fact that he’s good friends with his then dance instructor, again approximately 25 years later, despite many years of living across the country from one another. We were thrilled when he and Laurie returned to WA state a decade ago, and cannot think of anyone who’d be better suited to join the state’s legislature and represent our wonderful variety of residents.