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For close to two decades, has curated + created handpicked Jewish content for over 13 million unique visitors, at no cost, with no sign-up required.
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educate, inspire and empower Jews
throughout the world
Our registered nonprofit has zero overhead, which means your donation is not going to pay any salaries or office expenses. What’s more, our operation is run like a business—maximum strategy and efficiency—so there is no wasted money or frivolous spending.
Every dollar you give goes toward creating new material and driving site traffic, spreading more Jewish knowledge throughout the world.
How you can help inspire Jews right now:
$18 gets 12,000 views on Facebook via ads
$36 reaches 180 people with YouTube videos
$72 translates content into a foreign language
$180 posts a new article to the site
$540 develops a script for a new video
$5000 funds an entire new video
Your contribution is more than a donation
It’s what enables us to address key questions about Judaism, from the basic to the most puzzling.
It's what enables us to help Jews around the world connect with their heritage—and birthright.
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Give a gift that will change a life—forever.
Donations by check can be mailed to:
Jewish Impact Foundation
PO Box 721224
Berkley, MI 48072 is a project of the Jewish Impact Foundation, a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We'll send it to you upon completion of your donation. Our Tax ID is: 83-1883964.