Stories change lives. And since April 2018, Adventist Radio London has been broadcasting stories of hope to listeners in London and around the world.
We aim to share a message of health, hope, and the teachings of Jesus with diverse, spiritually curious listeners.
In 2019, Adventist Radio London had more than 62,000 listeners from over 120 countries. Over the year, we gave away 114 books on topics including relationships, health, and the Bible, and 27 listeners asked for Bible studies.
We love hearing how our listeners have been impacted by our programming:
“My mental health is better after I started listening to you.” – Anon
“I stumbled across your radio station and now I’m hooked. I believe that God has led me to you.” – Patricia
“Your station has played a big part in my recent decision to accept Jesus.” – Anon
We need your help to continue broadcasting in 2020. Please give generously and become a Friend of Adventist Radio London, so that together we can keep sharing stories that change lives.
If you’d like to find out more, please contact info@adventistradio.london.