Elect Chris Kaijala Muskegon County Commissioner, District 3 (Muskegon Township)






Chris Kaijala is a chemical engineer, project manager, quality team leader, and environmental design expert. He wants to improve our county by providing better leadership through conservative principles, and with his 35+ years of engineering experience and leadership training. We need transparency and open debate on the Commission. We need better jobs, and more jobs for our County. We need to clean up the pollution in the county for our residents and future businesses. We also need to help the most vulnerable in our County. 

Vote on November 3.  Also, get other conservative voters to the polls. 

Working together we can make  a better future for our County.

1. Campaign finance regulations require us to ask you for your employer's name and address, and your occupation. If you are self-employed enter "self" or "self-employed" as your employer. If you are retired enter "retired" as your employer. 2. The maximum contribution allowed by law is $2100. Contributions from foreign nationals are prohibited. No corporate checks or corporate credit cards may be accepted. 3. Contributions are not considered charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. 4. Contributions by check can be mailed to Elect Chris Kaijala for County Comm. 3242 Hall Rd Muskegon, MI 49442 5. Paid for with regulated funds by Committee To Elect Chris Kaijala for County Commissioner, Dist 3. 3242 Hall Rd Muskegon, MI 49442

Donor Wall 2

Anonymous | $20

I lived through 30 years or so of the destruction of US manufacturing. No where is that more apparent than Muskegon. Sad! I'd love to see that turned around.

Christopher Kaijala | $50

I am here to win! I need everyone's help to make it happen. Please give what you can afford. Many Thanks for all your support!