Elect Black to Congress 2022

My name is Oliver Black, and I am running for Washington’s 3rd Congressional district. I am a high school teacher and father of four wonderful children. Consider supporting my candidacy.

I joined the American Solidarity Party shortly after the 2016 election. I realized I was dissatisfied with only two options, neither of whom adequately represented my views. I was elected to the Washington state committee in 2021 and was re-elected in 2022.

Pro-life: I am in favor of policies that support the sanctity of life from conception through natural death. This includes restricting abortion, providing increased access to healthcare, and ending the death penalty.

Pro-labor: Our economic system needs to be fairer. That is why I support labor unions and incentivizing companies to become employee-owned.

Pro-justice: There are more Americans incarcerated than in any other country per capita. The criminal justice system is in need of serious reform that reduces recidivism and makes sure the innocent are not unjustly convicted.

Pro-environment: We need to encourage the development and use of alternative sources of energy.

Pro-election reform: Our democratic system is dominated by two parties that don't represent the will of the people. That is why I am for changes that encourage more representative democracy and get money out of politics.

For my information on the American Solidarity Party, go to www.solidarity-party.org

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