Support Eastside Local News
The Eastsider is committed to providing news and information free to all as a community service. But reporting and writing neighborhood news takes time -- and money.
Join the other Eastsider readers whose one-time contributions and monthly sponsorships help pay our bills and allow us to provide you the news and info that keeps you connected to your community.
-- Jesus Sanchez, Publisher
The Eastsider is a private company -- your contributions are not tax deductible.
Donor Wall50
Michael Divic | $100/M
Keep promoting local news!
Marilyn Lee Schneider | $52.37
Paul Kopeikin | $100
Freda | $120
Richard Vasquez | $26.34/M
Dr. Alma Martinez
George | $6.55/M
Jessica Caloza | $52.37
Cynthia Hubach
The Eastsider is an essential resource for our communities. Long live local media!
Jesus Marez
Kelly | $25
I really enjoy The Eastsider. Not only informative, it makes me feel connected to the neighborhood and community. Thank you so much for all your hard work. It is a great resource.
Eileen | $5.52/M
Eastside's daily updates keep me in tune with my neighborhood - Thanks
Tina Gulotta-Miller | $10/M
Thank you for keeping us all up to date on the East side!
John | $5.99/M
Thank you for providing a good local news source.
Jason Ford
liza | $25
Keep up the great work!
Rosemarie M. Mercado
Thank you for your commitment to keeping our communities updated and connected.
Madison | $5.99/M
Brian Theobald | $50
Very grateful to have the Eastsider as a terrific resource, making our life in LA more vivid and connected
Jesus Marez | $25
Benito | $10.70
Anna Sanchez | $10/M
Carmela Nigro Gomes | $6.53/M
I'm pleased to help with a monthly amount in support.
Karen Fulks
Linda Cosmero | $120
Vanessa Conte | $60