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The Eastsider is committed to providing news and information free to all as a community service. But reporting and writing neighborhood news takes time -- and money.
Join the other Eastsider readers whose one-time contributions and monthly sponsorships help pay our bills and allow us to provide you the news and info that keeps you connected to your community.
-- Jesus Sanchez, Publisher
Contributions to benefit news coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. The Eastsider is a private company -- your contributions are not tax deductible.
Donor Wall6
Holly Hampton | $100
Thanks for keeping the news coming Jesus! You are a treasure!
Eddie Perez | $20
Mary Deutsch | $50
I have so many beautiful memories of the Solan Avenue area from the 60’s Flower Children and their love-ins all the way through to mid 90’s. I cherish the memories of all the long-time neighbors and souls.🙏🏼
Nick Shaffer | $35
Truth hurts but we need it. Thank you Jesus & all y'all!
Lydia Hernandez | $10
Lisa Ingalls | $100
I love receiving your newsletter!