DYM South Africa September Healing & Miracle Nights

Such a response to altar calls everywhere we preached. So many instantly healed and touched by God.

Opportunity To Sow In Missions  

I am heading back to South Africa in September to continue to build on our recent visit.  In April we saw such a movement in God.  It was so easy to work the miracles because of the faith and expectation the people had for God to move.  Even today I still hear of healing and miracles happening two months after I left.  Excited to be a blessing by stirring faith up in countries we have never visited before. Excited to be going back, that we have extended our tour in South Africa. We are ready to see God move. Will you pray for us believing for God to  move powerfully!

I would like to raise funds to cover expenses during travel, also some funds for future planned missions (Mexico) and healing services (Hawaii Islands and  Augusta GA) that need to paid while I'm out ministering.  If you would like to give please sow whatever's on your heart. South Africa is good ground for your seed.  My future trips are just as a blessing to sow. Any blessing will be a tremendously help us move the gospel forward.  I appreciate you for being a blessing and partnering with us on this mission trip. Your gifts are what keeps this ministry moving around the world.

Thank you so much!

Dr. David Yanez

Reaching the lost in Pietermaritzburg South Africa