Support Dustin Nemos

My family thanks you for this support. With it, you reinforce our mission, ministry, and message.

Thank you.  

If it is not a burden and you value my work, please contribute. I've lost much and have little left. But together, we fight on.

This goes to Support the Nemos News Network public awareness and media work.

Donor Wall422

David Sanch | $25

Awesome content keep up the great work! Yah is with you!

Brett | $60

Anonymous | $100

For those with ears to hear and eyes to see. Thank you for your service my brother, mucho blessings.

Nicole Franklin | $300

Thank you so much for standing up for Christians against this evil. I will pray for you and your family!

Rick Borosky | $25

Love you brother

Tony Belarski

Love you bro. God bless you and your family Big Time

Katherine | $200

Our First Fruits Offering. Bless you for speaking uncompromising Truth.

Brett | $145

Tom Dempsey | $50

HuggyBear | $50

Many Thanks for your faith and linking the "breadcrumbs" in a cohesive way. My comments on Disqus - Blacklisted News ( Moniker HuggyBear ) may add to your stack !

JAY | $100

Marina | $10

God Bless you & your family Dustin, your work is second to none

Ruth Richardson | $9

Almighty Father YHWH, Bless Dustin and his family with this seed offering. Give them your peace that paseth all understand. Mark 16:17-20. Is what of King Jesus gave us as a command to fight the devils. If people only knew that a demon comes inside of them with every sin....they would stop sinning. I know for positive since Deliver me from evil means to get out the demons. It is the children's bread. This is how be can become holy as he is holy. Greek has pa 4th tense. Pluperfect tense thar means we are being saved. Meaning isn't a contentious ongoing action. Our eyes and hears are open when those demons come out. Also, comes the healing of the brokenhearted. It's cleaning the inside of the cup first. The steps are clear. Believe, receive and cast out demons...the rest gets better by this daily action. Bless all who have this WORD of wisdom.

Brett | $60

Thank you Dustin for all the time and research you have put in on giving us the truth & God Bless you and your family

William Evans | $200

You caused my atheist brother to become a Christian . He directed me to your site . And showed me that we are true ISREAL . Thank you Dustin

Brett | $120

Praying God Bless and Keep You and Your Family

Keith Rasmussen | $150

Thank you for choosing God's people today and everyday!

Lori | $25

Anonymous | $100

bless you for what you are doing

Scott Schmit | $17

Thank you

Marilyn | $222

Tony | $50

Love you bro

lisa ashby | $500

Appreciate you. Enjoyed our talk this am. Thank you.

Kathy DeGerolamo | $20

Thank you for the hard research that is done!!! I would love to donate a lot more but because of circumstances I cannot.

Rob Roessle | $50

Hey Dustin, long time- first time :) I really appreciate your work on Uncensored Church, the Serapeum & Nemos News. I’ve really learned a lot from you & am looking forward to meeting you in Florida next month at your meetup. I’m coming from Virginia with Teri. Yaweh bless you & your family and please take care of your health! See you soon, Rob Roessle (Rob R)


id give more ..but i can only give this for now...thank Yahweh for all you do bless ypu and yours and my he protects ypu from the antichrist world thalis getting worse ..


Dustin, I've been searching for years with my head spinning. I finally gave up. It was too complicated. I just continued my belief that Yahweh is real. I was baptized Methodist as a babe, again at age 16 to Mormon. I attended the cult of the IDMR for 7 years, attending 3 times a week. I finally woke up to how much time it was taking from my family and quit because it didn't seem like Yahshua's plan or his teaching. I so appreciate the information you've collected that connects the dots. I really appreciate the reference to Probably Alexandra, she's young and is someone I can turn my kids on to. It makes sense that Yahweh's plan for Salvation is so simple... he would never leave ANYTHING up to us, we're so thick headed. I can only say how much JOY I feel to be relieved of the worry of the machinations of this totally corrupt world. I can do nothing but love and be faithful to Yahweh and lead other people to this information. I have no control over this world and Yahweh will deal with it when he's ready... as he always does!


Please speak on the Sabbath. We keep the Sabbath on Saturday, like the bible instructs us to do. We don't understand why you change the day you keep the sabbath. Please inform us on how to connect to your live services we would like to attend. Prayers and Thanks !

Tony | $28

Love you bro


Dustin your website and research has revolutionized my understanding and study of scripture. Thank you for that. You are amazing. I must comment on something I heard on the uncensored Church. I believe the fact that Jesus is God is core Christian doctrine. John 1:1 states so. That Jesus could forgive sin is evidence. He had to be fully God and fully man to be the mediator between God and man. He had to be God for His Blood to cleanse us, no other blood would do so. I would ask you Dustin to do a deep dive into this and I believe you will agree. One other comment that relates. Faith in Christ, which is a gift of God, is necessary for salvation. God has wired Israel with Gospel receptors to believe and this is how the Gospel went to the nations. God is sovereign and scripture tells us that He can graft in whoever he chooses. We are told He will have people from every tribe, nation, and tongue in His family. An example would be Rahab. No matter your theological system that you ascribe to encompassed in salvation is regeneration a prerequisite I believe to saving faith. Obviously, God does this. This implies a re gene ing. A new creation. This maintains the ties of the spiritual to the physical genetics of the people of God.