Dunfermline Community Cinema
A project for starting a local independent / community cinema in the town centre of Dunfermline with a warm, friendly, and welcoming atmosphere at affordable prices.
Think comfy seats, tasty food, delicious cocktails, or rocking back with a glass of wine, of course with ridiculously good popcorn.
All perks £40 and above will get the first three perks included with their level of donation, the thank you board, the projection of thanks, sneak peak and a free ticket.
What will it be like?
We're aiming to open a small cinema in the town centre of Dunfermline, initially as a single screen before expanding to having multiple little screens. We aim to have between 60-100 seats in each auditorium.
What movies will you show?
We're aiming to show everything from the greatest wonders from the back catalogue of movie magic, to the latest films right on release day.
Will it be accessible?
Our primary aim is to be open and available to everyone of any age, including holding special screenings which allow you to be you - that might be autism friendly screenings, through to young children and babies screenings. We're going to be led by you.
What do we need £40,000 for?
- DCI certified digital cinema projector
- Sound processor
- Amplifier
- Cinema speakers
- Cinema screen
- Screen masking/tabbing
- Cinema / Theatre style seating
- Cinema automation system
- Soundproofing
- A venue
- Buildout of venue
- Seating
What if we fall short?
If we don't make our initial funding goal, or costs are higher than we anticipate them to be, we will 'bootstrap' our way to success. We will operate in any way we can - which might be one-off screenings, opening in a smaller venue or hosting community events until we can raise the required funds to fully get up and running in our own space as planned.
When will I get my perks?
Only once we manage to get the doors open will we be able to fully fulfil the perks, if we fall short it will take significantly longer to make it happen.
How do I know I'm not just throwing my money at a scam?
We're a registered Community Interest Company in Scotland, a social enterprise, we're regulated and monitored to that aim. Our registration is SC633494. If our project was to fail, all assets and funds would be transferred to a local charity. There are no shareholders, dividends or profits to be taken from this company.
Donor Wall7
Gemma | £10.64
Sheena | £41.79
Great initiative. Good luck.
Anne | £10.63
Kirsty Holmes
Oh Brother!
George | £31.40
Great initiative and good luck.
Wonderful project... Will encourage others.
Grzegorz Goral | £21.02