DT's Row2 Hold Fast 2024






DT's Row2 Hold Fast 2024 event fundraiser is back for year three.  This event is bringing awareness to and raising funds in support of the Big Fish Foundation.

We have big goals this year.  DT's event looks to fund as many Veterans as possible to go to a Big Fish Foundation event in 2025.  A Big Fish Veteran Event on average has a cost of $1,500 per Veteran.  So for every $1,500 we raise as a community, we can send a Veteran to a life changing experience.  In 2023, DT's event raised around $16,000, allowing for ten Veterans to attend a Big Fish event.  Let’s set the bar high and try and send 20 Veterans to an event in 2025.  This is a lofty goal but we believe in dreaming big for a cause worth dreaming big for.

To learn more about the foundation click here: https://www.bigfishfoundation.org/  

Individuals, groups, or organizations can make tax deductible donations in increments of $50, $75, $100, $500, $1,000, $1,500 and Custom/Other.

The “DT's Row2 Hold Fast” event will be held on Veterans Day Weekend, Saturday November 9th, 2024, at CrossFit Skylands in Sparta, NJ (Or anywhere some motivated Veteran supporters decide).  This years event will include the classic 2 hour time format, however, this years workout will include teams of 3.  All details below.

To sign up for the event at CrossFit Skylands please make a donation, then go to the sign up link below to save your spot: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/904084BABAE22ABFC1-52371843-rowtohold

On 3, 2, 1, go, Partner A will begin putting together a 250 piece Jigsaw Puzzle (Connection), Partner B will begin rowing for meters (Service), and Partner C will begin an escalating complex with a single dumbbell (Growth).  Connection, Service, and Growth.  The three pillars of the Big Fish Foundation.

 The dumbbell weight is prescribed at 50lbs for Men and 35lbs for Ladies.  Scale as needed.  Teams members will switch positions once Partner C finishes the DB complex. (Complex details will be posted). Partner C will then move to the puzzle, Partner B will move to the DB complex, and Partner A will move to the rower.  The score will be the meters on the rower with a bonus (TBD) based on how many pieces of the puzzle are left un-connected.

Any questions please email dt@bigfishfoundation.org.

The Big Fish Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) public charity. Fed EIN #84-4160627

Donor Wall49

David Thomas | $40

Donation from Brent Hawskwell

Sarge W | $290

Donated from: Buckley Space Force Base Sr. Citizen Veterans and Dependents

Michael Oehlmann | $100

Proud of what you guys are doing. Let’s Roll!

Dennis | $35

William Mullins | $100

Jennifer Weekley | $100

Chris Carney | $100

The Carney Family

James Lodema

Amy Brown | $25

Nate Sprunger | $100

Matt Morando | $50

Jason Dunn | $75

Melissa Gupton | $230

Margs by Melly!

Jenni Orr | $100



Lafayette House | $450

Thank you to all who dined to donate at Lafayette House on 11/6!

G Lewis | $100

David Colina | $100

You rock Dave 💪

Daniel O’Keeffe | $100

Baylee Armstrong

wendy mac donald | $50

Kristine Noonan | $30

Dianne | $25

Veterans, thank you for your service. Dave Thomas, thanks for organizing and Lafayette House, thanks for sponsoring!

Gretchen Bent | $500

Great work!

Nicholas DAlessio

Saul | $100

Cory Bradshaw | $100

DT, thanks for your service and all you do!!

Eric & Stepanie Space | $50

Rob Sanchis | $50
