Down to Earth Film
“Together we can bring about change”
To support the emerging global movement of people-powered change, we have decided to make the film available to the world.
We have moved away from a traditional transactional model and offer the film in a ‘contribute-as-you-like’ model instead.
You decide after watching the film if and what you pay. This way we make sure that as many people as possible can watch the film, without money being a threshold. We trust we will get the support we need in our endeavor to bring the message of the Earth Keepers to a global audience. We thank you for your support and invite you to start your own initiative of People-Powered Change.
Your Contribution will help to:
Spread the Wisdom of the Earth Keepers further globally
Protect 1m2 of land with EarthToday
Donor Wall273
Jonathan Bleeker | €5.50
Bedankt voor de stap die jullie zetten naar een betere toekomst voor iedereen. Ik ben geïnspireerd en voel de hunkering om ook the middle way te blijven lopen en mijn bijdrage te leveren.
Sabine Karaböcek | €5
Cinema Het Hogeland | €140
null null | €5
Sabine | €5
Love is the Key ❤️🔥
Sarah Daenekynt | €7.50
Anonymous | €10.71
Thank you for this incredible wisdom and inspiration!
John | €5.47
Thank you - this makes so much sense!
Leonore | €25
Beauty-full film, message and people in it. Thank you for sharing. All the best .
Michele Williams | €7.50
Thank you for making this film, and for making it available to all.
Stijn | €5.69
Nina | €10.87
truly calming and reconnecting to the ones we really are
Edna Bosch
on behalf of the Mamo Jose. of the Kogi
Kim Martin | $6.72
Lovely film, lovely family! Thank you for sharing this journey. All the best to you!
Jonneke | €26.24
Enorm bedankt voor jullie reis en het naar ons toebrengen van al het moois die onze wereld rijk is.
Rens Verschuren | €5
Sander | €8.28
I thank you all very, very much for making this film, speaking from your hearts and making footage where wise people do the same, available. And this coming from my own country:) it moved me:)
Chris | €25
Let’s live more in symbiosis with nature.
Lotte | €8.28
Irina | €10.65
Sergej | €4.42
Beautiful and true. Thank you for the inspiration.
A wonderful movie that inspires me to share and care, to do good and to inspire others to spread the love we are all longing for. I am grateful for your efforts and for putting this jewel of insight online. Thank you so much!
Thank you for sharing and caring
Jolanda | €5
With love and feeling the connection
Chris-Tian RA | NZ$21.21