Sponsor a Woman at the Women Like Us Center
Please donate to support our women as they become economically stable.
When She Can Learn-She Can Earn.
Your monthly contribution includes our sewing training which provides an instructor, fabric, a sewing machine, and a wage from sales of her products.
Psycho-Social Services
Our women come from a place that is often a part of sexual abuse, domestic violence, and addiction. The psycho-social support they receive at the center is life-changing and is available to them 4 sessions per month.
Farming and Poultry
The women of the farming program get 8 sessions per month of agricultural education, seeds, tools, a vegetable stand at the site location, and crops to take home to feed their families. Our poultry project is managed by the women where eggs, chicks, and poultry sales are earned.
Microenterprise Workshops
Education for running her own business, the center provides an instructor on micro-enterprise opportunities and table banking, which is a microloan to start their business.
Computer Lab
Most recently we have added a computer lab that offers 3 sessions per day and a certificate at completion. We're excited about this new skill and the bright futures and jobs for our women.
Teen Mother Program
The Women Like Us Foundation is helping teens find a stronger future and build economically stable lives. The Women Like Us Achieve program at the Women Like Us Center has developed a special program that helps them to understand the importance of nutrition for both themselves and their children. They learn to understand the skills of breastfeeding and child caring. We also have placed the teen girls into our sewing and computer classes.
Donor Wall 6
MJM Work & Life Balance Coaching & Consulting, LLC | $52.37
MJM Work and Life Balance Coaching & Consulting, LLC | $52.37
Elizabeth Makous | $100
Yvonne Hammond | $52.23