Donation for the conservation activities of bonobos at Wamba area

Currently, we are observing four groups (ca. 140 individuals) of wild bonobos around the Wamba village, which provide us with valuable knowledge about bonobos as well as important insights on human evolution. However, only telling the facts about how valuable bonobos are is not enough for bonobo conservation. We need to tell people that there are benefits of protecting bonobos, and we need to act to ensure those benefits. Specifically, we established the only hospital in the village in 2011 and have been supporting medical devices and supplies; we support the construction of schools as well as providing school supplies; we contribute towards maintaining and repairing roads and bridges; and we hire local people as forest guards. We also provide scholarships for secondary school and university students from Wamba and the surrounding area.

Our web page ⇒

Instagram: @wambabonobos
