Plant A Seed Today






If you would like to donate by sending a direct bank transfer please see our account details below: 

Name: MYA

BSB: 062–334

Account No.: 1173 3150 

These donations will be the initial seed funding for MYA, which will be crucial cashflow for us as we establish ourselves. It will go towards our initial expenses as we get our first events up and running. 

In this key period, we are looking for the community to support us with funds on a regular basis. We would particularly appreciate those who can give on a monthly basis, whatever amount it is. 

The Prophet ﷺ said, “The most beloved of deeds to Allah are those that are most consistent, even if it is small”. [Bukhari and Muslim]

Whether you can give financially or not, we know that success lies in God's hands and so we ask you to make du'a for MYA and that we can deliver long-lasting benefit to the community. 

Donor Wall2

Sadi | A$50/M

Nothing but love for you good people ♥️
