Help us serve and advocate for communities affected by gendered injustices! 

Together, we can advance gender equality by ensuring women and gender-diverse people affected by injustices and barriers are supported and empowered. 

Your contribution supports access to our services for community members in need. It sustains our programming, advocacy, outreach, resources, an equitable workplace for staff and volunteers, and community-building initiatives that promote gender equity. 

For more significant donation amounts or other ways to give, contact [email protected].

Thank you for your solidarity! 

We take precautions to protect your information. Your sensitive financial information never touches our servers. We collect credit card or bank account information, names, addresses, and other data related to your transaction when you make a payment through our site. We use this information to process your payment. By submitting your payment, you authorize us to charge the account above for the amount specified in the Transaction Amount field. GOOD TO BE GOOD is an incorporated, registered federal non-profit organization that undertakes programming and advocacy activities to address gendered issues that face women and gender-diverse people from underserved communities. That's intentional and what enables us to be effective and resourceful as a grassroots organization. We cannot issue tax deductible receipts beyond this point, although we can ensure you will be confident in the outcomes of our work together. We make every donation count and impactful and share our progress along the way. Thank you for trusting our mission and helping our work continue. We make all reasonable efforts to accommodate the intended purpose of the donation if specified by the donor or under the terms/conditions of the gift. However, if the original intent of the donation no longer exists or cannot be complied with, or if the donation cannot be fully utilized for that purpose or violates any policy or the law, GOOD TO BE GOOD reserves the right to redirect the gift made to other purposes. GOOD TO BE GOOD is a grassroots community-wide non-profit organization with a mission to serve marginalized women and their communities and help build a kind and equal world. (Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act 1215292-4) If you have any questions about our giving program or your donation, please contact [email protected].

Donor Wall8

NAGI | C$208.64

Diala Canelo | C$52.47

Eleanor Ruthven

My daughter Amelia, died of aggressive breast cancer at age 32, July 9,2022. I know this was one of her chosen organizations to support. She had a big heart, always supported 'the other' and wanted to leave a legacy.

Mave & Chez | C$104.12

Sweet Hart Kitchen

Grateful for all that you do

Sarisha Beauty

Thank you for everything you do 💚

Lionel McDonald | C$2,311.15

On behalf of the leaders at Foot Locker Inc., your organization truly resonated with our team during women's history month in March 2023. These are the contributions of the field executives and store managers in the GTA region and surrounding areas during our managers meeting.

Rikki Marcone

Thank you for the amazing work you do. I appreciate your initiative.