Donate to the Missions
We are a Congregation of women dedicated to God and the service of the Missionary Church.
We ardently desire to live entirely at the service of the Kingdom of God, surrendered totally to Christ who is the centre of our lives.
We seek to awaken in the faithful a greater awareness of the missionary dimension of their baptismal calling. Together with the laity we strive to meet the needs of missionaries throughout the world.
Our life of consecration, our prayer and work seeks to make the Good News of God’s saving love in Jesus Christ known and loved.
The Sisters of St Peter Claver rely on your generosity in order to carry out their missionary work across the world.
Please make a donation using the online giving form and help us financially continue our work.
We deeply appreciate your support towards the needs of the Missionary Church.
We assure you of our prayers for you and your intentions.
Donor Wall100
Kevin | £30
Mike Corcoran | £50
At a time when so many lead selfish lives, including me if I were honest, I greatly admire those such as the Sisters who devote themselves unstintingly to folk in real need.
Aleksandra Francis | £300
Rosemary McMahon | £50
to thank you for the good work you do
Gerard | £35
Joan Muldoon | £20
In memory of my loving husband, Tony Muldoon
Alice Henderson | £20
Anne Smillie
Best wishes
Anthony Hooey | £30
Keep up your wonderful work
Pauline McIntosh | £50
Donation made in memory of Alexa McIntosh for Mother's Day
Kaz Owczarek | £100
Michael Stanton
Peter | £406.50
Paul | £10
Thank you for all your work.
Noel | €50
F Carl
Bronislawa Wilczynska | £25
i would like to donate to the African Mission-Podkowa Lesna, Poland
Kevin and Maureen Mallon | £50
Hanna Walicki
Keep up a good work for our society!
Susan Golden | £20
Thank you for "Echo from Africa" Blessings on your work
Blessed Marcel Van pray for me, pray for Europe
John | £20
Thanks to the sisters that made the Missionary appeal at St Columba’s on the 1st July 2023
Pauline McIntosh | £50
Maureen McGovern | $300
Gerry | £30
For James Fitzpatrick
Tarcisio Mifsud | £45
John | £10
Thank you for news letters and annual calendar.